Amir Aziz

My Projects

Amir Geek Project Image


Gamearound is a game platform for buying, selling, and showcasing game assets and NFTs, empowering the gaming community with new monetization models and blockchain-based innovations.

  • #Next
  • #React
  • #Directus CMS
  • #Serverless
  • #CI/CD
  • #GSAP
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Amir Geek Project Image


Astro renders your entire page to static HTML, removing all JavaScript from your final build by default.

  • #React
  • #Typescript
  • #I18n
  • #Serverless
  • #Web 3
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Amir Geek Project Image

Constream Docs

Need some JS? Astro can automatically hydrate interactive components when they become visible on the page.

  • #Next
  • #Nextra
  • #Tailwind
  • #Typescript
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Amir Geek Project Image


Astro supports TypeScript, Scoped CSS, CSS Modules, Sass, Tailwind, Markdown, MDX, and any other npm packages.

  • #Next
  • #React
  • #Tailwind
  • #Directus CMS
  • #WHMCS
  • #I18n
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Amir Geek Project Image

We Krazy

Automatic sitemaps, RSS feeds, pagination and collections take the pain out of SEO and syndication. It just works!

  • #Next
  • #React
  • #Tailwind
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Amir Geek Project Image


A radically fast frontend to drive marketing in a competitive market for a top tier service business in mid Michigan.

  • #Vue
  • #Astro
  • #Tailwind
  • #Directus CMS
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My Blogs

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